Therapy is an essential aspect of our model. There are many factors to consider when thinking about best practice therapy.   We focus on how our treatment modalities are delivered, incorporated, and taught within the scaffolding of our program: individual therapy, group therapy, experiential and adventure therapy, community group meetings, service efforts, and medication management, just to cover the basics.


Working with your son and identifying and treating mental health concerns is just a small part of the process. Substance abuse or technology addiction, for example, are often by-products of mental health concerns, causing additional stressors and maladaptive coping. As we work on these concerns, we focus on strengths, environment, brain chemistry, and individual abilities to create a unique plan to build mental resilience and internal change.

 Each student meets with his clinical therapist throughout each week. Individualized attention is paramount to building a relationship of trust. Each therapist works with only a handful of students, so time spent with your son is maximized.


Group therapy can be difficult for adolescents and young adults. It’s hard to be vulnerable and express emotions and private thoughts with a group. That being said, group therapy is an effective tool that helps nurture understanding, compassion, empathy, and empowerment. In group therapy, we will discuss such topics as trauma, anxiety, social skills, resiliency, habits, and communication.


At Live Strong House, we love adventure and play. Play is an essential part of mental health and a great way to challenge your son to step outside his comfort zone. Generally, boys have a harder time connecting and communicating their emotions. Recreation and adventure meet a neurological need that fosters greater connection and mental health. 

There are opportunities for recreation every day of the week. Wednesdays, Saturdays, and Sundays are designated specifically for recreation (no school on Wednesday).  Our boys find themselves on adventures such as snowboarding, skiing, hiking, mountain biking, wakeboarding, rock climbing, or even in our art and music studio.


In addition to group therapy, each house holds a daily community meeting to review the day and students’ therapeutic MITs (most important tasks). These community meetings foster a collaborative forum for continual practice of therapeutic life skills. We believe that repetition is the mother of retention.


In order to find ourselves, we must lose ourselves. Service in the community is a part of our routine. We strive to participate in service projects that deepen empathy and develop our students’ ability to think outside themselves. These service projects challenge our students to develop compassion and a greater understanding of what’s really important in life, serving others.


Medication can sometimes be an essential part of therapy. We are very aware of the risks and stigma associated with psychotropic medication. We use medications with prudence and experience. Our prescribing nurse practitioner has years of experience and will be sensitive and judicious when it comes to finding the right medication for your son, if needed.


The goal of Neurofeedback is to transform an abnormal, unhealthy brainwave pattern into a normal, healthy, organized pattern to promote positive and efficient changes in the brain.

 Neurofeedback, also known as EEG (electroencephalogram), is a therapeutic, non-invasive method of direct brain function training. By responding to this training, students learn to self-regulate and improve their brain function and to alleviate symptoms of various neurological and mental health disorders. Neurofeedback also assists with speed and timing issues, which allows our students to make better sense of their therapeutic interventions and apply them more readily. 

Neurofeedback is not a stand-alone treatment and is used as an auxiliary service.  It does not teach skill or encourage values and must be used in conjunction with traditional best practice treatment modalities.